To Fill the Void Regarding Safety

The Philippines is located is the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area in the basin of the Pacific ocean where numerous earthquakes occur, causing the country to experience seismic and volcanic tremors. In the past months, a lot of volcanic irregularities and earthquakes have been recorded. Luckily, no significant damage or loss has been brought. These recorded geographic activities are indications that the big one is probably coming given that the major fault lines of the Philippines have been disturbed. This makes it a must for the country to be prepared in any time of occurrence to minimize its danger. Earthquakes, like other natural disasters, are unpredictable. It is one of the greatest uncertainties of our world. When and where an earthquake would occur cannot be predicted unlike storms wherein warnings can be sent out by government agencies. Despite that, with proper knowledge, planning and training everyone would be aware of how to appropriately react before, during and...