Finally, Moving Forward

I cannot count how many ties I have uttered the words, “distance learning is very hard". There is no lie in that phrase but now that I think of it, that phrase is one of the main reasons why distance learning is hard. Thinking of it as “hard" did not help but rather made it harder. Now that the school year is at it's end, I have realized that distance learning is rather challenging than hard. It has taught me many lessons that will surely be helpful in life, namely, patience, perseverance, time management, and understanding. 4 th quarter is the final quarter of every school year. Normally, during the previous years wherein face to face classes were possible, I would be less motivated and hardworking during this period. However, I have noticed that I now have a stronger drive to continue to do my tasks not only in TLE subject but also in other subjects. I believe that this change been caused by the behaviors that were mandatorily incorporated to us, students, to meet ...